Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in English

Growing heritage edibles – One of 2024’s biggest Greenhouse trends

At Hartley Botanic, we believe that growing edibles from heritage seeds is one of the biggest trends amongst Greenhouse owners this year. Interest in heritage, edible varieties, some of which can be traced back to as early as the 1600’s, has been largely driven by the rediscovery of their unbeatable flavours. Often tender crops, requiring […]

Written in English US

Success with Amaryllis in the Greenhouse

It’s bulb season. This will be a two-part column about how to enjoy growing bulbs inside a glasshouse. Most of this advice will also be useful for growing on a sunny windowsill. Next month I will talk about forcing other tender and hardy bulbs indoors. But this month, I’m talking about Amaryllis with Christian Curless, […]

Written in English

Carbon catchers

Unlike the costly high-tech carbon capture and storage strategies being proposed to mitigate climate change, tree-planting is free, simple, people-powered – and proven. I’ve beaten the redwings to it. The crowd has skirted along the edge of the wood and descended on my neighbour’s rowans, where they’re now merrily stripping them of their dazzling orange […]

Written in English US

High Plains Environmental Gardening: a user’s guide.

“If you can read a book, you can do anything.” Short of embroidering it on a cushion, that’s a mantra I’ve lived by since my best friend in high school wised me up. I’ve packed in a lot of reading since then, researching the history of garden design and landscaping for the books I’ve written, […]

Written in English

Cephalaphora “of little beauty and easy culture”

So why on Earth would you want to grow this in your greenhouse? Well, because this is a living ‘pot pourri’. A South American relative of Asters it’s delightful though as the disparaging quote from Paxton’s Botanical Dictionary suggests it’s neither graceful, compact, neat nor colourful. Thus certainly not a centrepiece, nor a background foliage […]