Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in English

Earth, Wind and Fire – all in one year!

Gardeners are used to battling the elements, but 2022 has been a catastrophic event. It began with an ‘I’m-not-going-to-grow-for-you-at-the-moment’ dry winter and cool spring. That was followed by extreme heat and strong Saharan winds, so most people’s gardens (including mine) turned into a sea of brown. One evening I sat and watched as hummingbird-hawk moths […]

Written in English

Emergency service

With the climate crisis escalating and evidence of ecological breakdown all around us, it’s time to get serious about gardening’s restorative potential. What if gardening stopped being fun – and became serious fun? Emergencies are skidding at us from around every corner: social, political, economic, ecological… the list grows as we face crises near and far, in […]

Written in English US

Potager plots are decorative and productive

Once I had a kitchen garden. It was a large space, surrounded by a trellis fence so that it didn’t appear part of the “proper” garden, because it was a hard-working space, with a small glasshouse in one corner, compost heaps in another, and two long parallel rows of four-foot-wide raised beds. These were not […]

Written in English

Chocolate Cosmos

I doubt anyone entering your glasshouse will gasp “What a gorgeous specimen” when their eyes glance upon Cosmos atrosanguineus Chocamocha. Admittedly this is an undistinguished leaved scantily flowering almost scruffy looking plant you’d not look twice at. However once their noses catch the delicious vanilla and hot chocolate scent they will be entranced. Then as […]

Written in English US

Grow Citrus in the Greenhouse

With that glorious scent, and unusual habit of flowering and fruiting at the same time, it’s no surprise that citrus plants are often the first choice to grow in a home greenhouse. To discover the best tips for success, this month I’m turning to Sam Hubert, Nursery Manager for the West Coast mail-order company, One […]

Written in English

Lots to harvest and things to sow

It’s time to sow Fennel, oriental vegetables like mizuna greens and Pak Choi, rocket, coriander dill, spinach, claytonia and land cress in modules as soon as you can. These will germinate quickly and can be planted out by mid-August for cropping in autumn. Continue sowing ‘cut and come again’ crops like mixed herbs, in pots, […]

Written in English US

Glasshouse Dreaming: expanding the gardener’s world

Glasshouses serve many purposes: in my experience there are three themes that stand out. Production, Relaxation and Experimentation:  A productive Greenhouse is where one grows vegetables, fruit, and herbs for the ultimate “locavore” experience – your own backyard. A Glasshouse can be a personal spa-zone or a short journey to a restful staycation. You know […]

Written in English

Scented Pelargoniums

My scented pelargoniums have long been released from the greenhouse and are beginning to look their leafy best now, and producing their myriad scents in abundance: cinnamon, lemon, peppermint, spice, cola, and more. These plants are closely related to the bedding pelargoniums that we all plant in terracotta pots and hanging baskets to flower through […]