Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in English US

Forest Bathing in Your Greenhouse

Forest bathing, or taking an aware walk in the woods, has become popular for its health benefits—it’s known to lower blood pressure and boost immunity. The name is a literal translation of the Japanese term shinrin-yaku, or taking in the forest atmosphere. Last weekend I had a chance to go on a guided forest-bathing walk […]

Written in English US

Heat Dome Gardening: tips for hot times

Heat extremes, aka the Heat Dome, such as we’ve been experiencing this past month is not something any gardener would wish to entertain again. Weather conditions are always the no.1 topic of conversations having to do with horticulture, and, clearly, I’m no exception to this rule. Not only have the plants not tended within the […]

Written in English

British summertime – Roses love the rain

British summertime seems to have reverted to the normal state of play because it’s wet and not that warm. Wimbledon was a washout, for the first time in many years. The rowers at Henley Regatta were wet before they entered the somewhat polluted water and staycation holiday makers can be seen dodging the puddles. I’m […]

Written in English


‘Simple Elegance – A Traditional English Garden’ Hartley Botanic, as England’s most historic and respected Glasshouse and Greenhouse manufacturer, took our award-winning RHS Chelsea Flower Show tradestand – ‘Simple Elegance – A Traditional English Garden’ – to the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival, with a smaller, more accessible design gardeners could recreate at home. […]

Written in English

Keeping your plants in tip top condition

At last temperatures have risen and there’s been some sunshine. Keep twining cucumber stems round their supports and cut back the side shoots two leaves beyond the flowers and fruits, as they grow. Increased air movement, keeping the foliage dry, plants well-watered at the base and mulching all combine to reduce chances of powdery mildew […]

Written in English

Kale but not as we grew it

An unlikely plant to encounter in a greenhouse has been Kale. Completely hardy, Kale’s effectively a cabbage but tougher, eventually a large plant several feet tall. Seldom eaten save as a deep-winter vegetable the leaves have seen increasing demand year round by health seekers for super-nutritious smoothies. It’s quite feasible to grow Kale plants to […]