Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in English US

Go Plant Shopping in Your Own Garden – Your greenhouse can help

Let’s face it, a real joy of gardening comes from buying plants. However, consider taking cuttings from tried-and-true plants in your own garden or greenhouse. It’s a game of numbers. This replication allows you to design with large drifts of the same plant, or repeat certain plants in various containers in order to visually unite […]

Written in English

Greenhouse Growing Projects Your Grandchildren Will Love This Summer

HARTLEY BOTANIC SHARES ITS GREENHOUSE INSPIRATION FOR GROWING WITH CHILDREN You may be sharing the load when it comes to looking after young grandchildren this summer, and with at least three weeks left to fill, Hartley Botanic has shared some Greenhouse growing ideas and inspiration to both keep them entertained and instill a love of […]

Written in English

RHS Tatton Park 2023

HARTLEY BOTANIC RETURNS TO RHS TATTON PARK WITH A ‘FEEL GOOD’-THEMED TRADESTAND, SHOWCASING THE WELLBEING BENEFITS OF ‘GROW YOUR OWN’ Hartley Botanic, England’s most historic and respected Glasshouse and Greenhouse manufacturer has revealed details of its 2023 RHS Flower Show Tatton Park tradestand. The ‘Feel Good’ by Hartley Botanic tradestand will display four of the […]

Written in English

When is a ginger not ginger

Often confused are the edible Ginger (the root) of commerce and these flamboyant greenhouse ornamentals. However that’s not surprising as they’re closely related, and similar in appearance and habit. However the Kahili ginger, Hedychium gardenerium, is most definitely not edible, which is a bit unfortunate as this grows considerably larger and would make a great […]

Written in English

Pinching out and potting on

Now that greenhouse tomatoes are growing rapidly, remove the side shoots of ‘cordon’ varieties, as they appear, using your finger and thumb, to create a single productive stem to train up the cane. Keep the compost constantly moist using tepid water, checking regularly, particularly if you use growing bags as the compost dries out rapidly […]